SEPA Telecom billing software system solution

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Dynasoft TeleFactura – SEPA Telecom billing software system

SEPA Telecom billing software system compliant with the latest SEPA standard

SEPA Telecom billing software system


TeleFactura is able to generate a Telecom billing SEPA-compliant XML file with each billing cycle. Define SEPA parameters for the customers. These include: define Group Header elements such as MessageIdentification, Name, Identification, Proprietary; Payment Information elements such as Payment information ID <'PmtInfId'>, Payment method <'PmtMtd'>, Number of Transactions <'NbOfTxs'>, Control Sum <'CtrlSum'>, Instruction priority <'Pmt TpInf'> <'InstrPrty'>, Service level code <'SvcLvl'>, Local instrument code <'LclInstrm'>, Creditor agent BIC <'CdtrAgt'>, Creditor account ID IBAN <'CdtrAcct'>, … Your SEPA Telecom billing software system is also available in French, German, Spanish and Italian so it is fully compatible with the requirements as set out by the SEPA standard in all these markets.


SEPA Telecom billing software systemSEPA Telecom billing solutionSEPA Telecom billing software system